Hello World!

Hello internet people! This is my first blog post and I’m rather nervous about it. I’m not that good in expressing myself so just bare with me, okay? I’m an introvert and an aspiring vegan – not that it matters. Some days I’m the flowery white dress kind of girl, but most of the time I wear whatever the hell I want – which most of the time is, black. I have brownish black hair and brown eyes. I feel very uncomfortable laughing out loud because I feel like my smile exposes myself to the world, making me vulnerable and breakable. It probably doesn’t make any logical sense at all, but that’s truthfully what I feel. In fact, my mind is completely consumed by horrible dark thoughts, which makes me a pain in the ass to be with, and I am absolutely ashamed of it. It bugs me a whole lot that I can never spill out my feelings or just be honest about myself because of how insecure I feel about my entire existence – I probably shouldn’t because who the hell cares what other people think? But to not consider the judgement or criticism that I might get from other people is much easier said than done. Everything I say has to be thought over two, three times in my head beforehand, just to make sure I don’t screw up, and everything I do must be pre-planned, or else I’ll panic and have a giant meltdown. Spontaneous events are just not my thing. Food is another huge obstacle that I stress about 24/7. I think about it all day uncontrollably and I get extremely anxious during mealtimes. The types and amounts of food that I eat is very much the same everyday, which is by the way, not a lot. I don’t strictly count calories but I do estimate and roughly guess my daily intakes. If I ever go over a certain amount of calories (not mentioning the exact amount because of trigger issues), I’d feel worthless and horrible and fat and disgusting and I hate it. It’s not normal. It’s not fun. It forbids me from having fun and enjoying my teenage life, pulling me apart from my friends. I want to get better and I want to reclaim my life back. I do not deserve to be condemned under this constant battle, I deserve to be free. It’s not going to be easy, it really isn’t, but I will try. I will fall and I will most certainly have dreadful days where I do not have the strength to get back up. It’s okay. I’m human, and we all have bad days. (as aforementioned, I want to become a vegan so I would be more comfortable with eating!)

Okay this has been a complete mess and I have been ranting for quite a bit now so I guess I’ll go practice my blogging skills and try to learn how to structure my next blogpost, haha!  I hope to meet more friends on this blogging community and hopefully come across people who I can relate to… Feel free to share your blogs as well, I’d love to read your writing! Catch ‘ya later! x